Sunday, October 4, 2009

Chapter Profile: Tuscany Hills ES, Head Coach Michelle Sapp

My 100 Mile Club Kids!
by Michelle Sapp, 100 Mile Club Head Coach: Tuscany Hills Elementary

We are 1 month into our new 100 Mile Club Program at the boys school and all the kids are doing great! On Friday I got to already award 7 kids their 25 mile goal tshirts. Very cool! These little studs (yes, including my 2 little competitive souls) are going to hit WELL over 100 miles by the end of the school year. Got to keep up with them, I got 30 in for the month - not bad!?! All the kids, teachers and parents at the school are so excited about this program - very neat to be a part of it. Highly recommend bringing it to your kids school!

Every Friday morning before school from 7:45 - 8:45 for the last month about 100 of the students plus their parents & some teachers have been at our morning walk /run - very cool thing to see.

All the classes charts are in the multi purpose room for the kids to see their progress each week.

These are my first 7 kids to hit the 25 mile goal! Ryan, Blake, Brandon, Willy, Bronson, Shane, Trevor...Blake already has 39 miles & Brandon 35 - crazy boys !!!!

When they run on Friday mornings they get a mark every time they complete a lap, 4 laps = a mile. They did just a few on Friday..... Blake logged in 23 laps & Brandon 20 laps.

Earning our miles together - Cary has a little catching up to do to get his shirt!

Coach Sapp and her 100 Mile Club Kids have hit the ground running...LITERALLY! Amazing implementation and spectacular adoption of the mission and ideals of The 100 Mile Club!! Go, Tuscany Hills, GO! ~Ms. Lubin~

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