Sunday, August 22, 2010

WHY EAT BREAKFAST? A Lesson and a Poem!

What's for breakfast - coffee? Most mornings, we barely glance at the kitchen. Fixing breakfast takes up precious time that's in short supply. But there's ample evidence that the simple act of eating breakfast -- every day -- is a big part of losing weight, lots of weight.

"People skip breakfast thinking they're cutting calories, but by mid-morning and lunch, that person is starved," says Milton Stokes, RD, MPH, chief dietitian for St. Barnabas Hospital in New York City. "Breakfast skippers replace calories during the day with mindless nibbling, bingeing at lunch and dinner. They set themselves up for failure." Read more.


"Why eat breakfast"? Some folks might say....
you should know, it's the most important meal of the day!

It provides nourishment, that every body needs....
and first thing in the morning, it brings you "up to speed"!

Try some fruit with your cereal, or even a piece of toast...
limiting sugar intake, would help your body the most!

 The experts all agree, what I say is not bogus.....
 you'll become a better learner, because it helps you focus!

If you wanna lose weight, please don't skip this meal...
just make healthier choices, and extra weight will peel!

Breakfast speeds-up your metabolism, more calories you'll burn....
you won't feel as sleepy, you'll be more ready to learn!

It helps you concentrate better, It's food for the brain....
your stomach won't growl, and extra energy you'll gain.

So when asked "why eat breakfast"?
no need to raise your voice....

variation and moderation,
seems like a logical choice!

Coach A

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