Monday, April 4, 2011

JENSON USA Spirit Award Winner: Melanie Schneider

Photo courtesy of Jim Dorsey Photography

Melanie Schneider, a sixth grade student at Susan B. Anthony Elementary is the person who I think truly embodies the true spirit of the 100 Mile Club®.  Melanie has dedicated herself to participating in the 100 Mile Club® every day throughout the year. She has set her sights on a goal, and on a daily basis she works to achieve it. Melanie runs, jogs, and walks between 2.5 and three miles daily. At this point in the school year, Melanie has surpassed 300 miles. An extraordinary achievement if you ask me.

Because of Melanie's extraordinary efforts, I have noticed many other students stepping up their own efforts. By the end of March, all 33 of my students will have reached 100 miles. My own children have taken notice of Melanie's accomplishment and talk about it daily as they tell me how many laps they completed on that day. On numerous occasions I have had children from around the school come to my classroom to check out the 100 Mile Club® chart to see Melanie's miles with their own eyes. I see and hear how excited the children are getting about what Melanie has done and about what they would like to do on their own.

Melanie continues to remain humble through it all. I have never heard her brag about what she is accomplishing. She remains dedicated to getting her miles, helping her classmates get theirs, and then helps me track and post our classes' miles. During this school year, I have watched Melanie become more physically fit and more self-confident. To me, those two benefits are what the 100 Mile Club® is about. Melanie Schneider is definitely the type of person you are looking for to represent Jenson USA and the 100 Mile Club® .

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