Our student representatives presented Ryan with an honorary 100 Mile Club Medal. There are only 2 honorary 100 Mile Club medal recipients: John R. Wooden and now, Ryan Hall.
Just so you know where I am: I am sitting at the American Sports Center, a place with...wait let me count...12! basketball courts in one big space, while my son is playing some sort of strange 2 on 1 pickup game. It is HOT in here so I am set up right by the hallway, which for some reason is the only air conditioned part of the building. This is what I do. I steal moments to get things done. Today, I am honoring the Gym Rat in my son and getting this blog updated.
The Ryan Hall Sendoff in Big Bear was spectacular! After 2 busy weeks, I am finally able to sit down and tell the story of our fabulous Monday afternoon in Big Bear, California, where The 100 Mile ClubTM made a difference. August 4th, 2008 was a really good day.
Somehow, we all managed to get out of Corona on time: 15 people packed into 3 cars. We drove caravan style, traffic-free, straight up to Big Bear. We arrived there at about 4:15 or so, right on time and nobody got car sick. Truly a Miracle.
We were treated like royalty from the minute we arrived. All of us. We were graciously seated right up front, right behind the Hall family Our student representatives were able to sit on a blanket right to our side. They could see everything perfectly.
Our student reps were Braden and Macade Walker, George Hartman, Lucille and Henry Lubin Richmond, and Paris Lubin Gonsalves. They all represented 100 Mile ClubTM beautifully.

The athletic field we were on was the place where Ryan ran his very first mile back in middle school...what a journey! The kids at the sendoff, HUNDREDS OF THEM, from age four (maybe younger) through at least high school all did a lap around the track together in the spirit of the day. Everyone ran with such enthusiasm, yet so carefully...taking care of the little ones, making sure to honor everyone's desire to do their lap at their own pace. I saw high school cross country runners holding the hands of toddlers as they made their way around the quarter-mile lap.

Then...miles and good wishes were presented to a very humble Olympic favorite: Ryan Hall.
The city of Big Bear was out in full force, with over 1/3 of the city's population gathering on the field to give good wishes, miles, and love to their hometown hero.

The Lighthouse Project's Move a Million Miles for Ryan Hall campaign was what brought us to Big Bear. The Lighthouse Project developed the idea to get Big Bear moving in support of Hall. The idea was simply to move in support of Ryan. All human-powered miles were eligible. People walked, ran, biked, hiked, kayaked, climbed mountains and jumped on treadmills to show their support.
Move a Million Miles for Ryan Hall wasn’t a fund-raiser...in fact, it probably would have been easier for people to comprehend if it were.
I can't tell you how many times I was asked Donate our miles? Well, ok. How much is it?
When I answered, Nothing. It's just like sending "good vibes" to Ryan simply by moving, people would look at me like I was somehow missing something.
Nope, I would say, that's it. Just move.
A few 100 Mile Club kids even thought that they would have to literally turn in their miles and miss out on getting their own 100 Mile ClubTM Medal at the end of the year...and they were willing to do it! When I told them they didn't actually have to give up their miles or their medal to donate miles to Ryan...They were THRILLED!
Little by little, 100 Mile Club students, parents, and schools "got it", jumped on board, and logged those miles!
This was simply a way for us to do our part to support Big Bear’s own Olympian. The youngest mover in Big Bear was 1 year old, the oldest, 98. What a feat!
The Move A Million Miles Campaign was one that was incredibly easy for 100 Mile ClubTM to support. We collected and donated the miles we logged between January and June from most of our 16 participating schools. We don't have money, but we sure have miles!! Thanks to Beth Gardner and The Lighthouse Project for allowing us to participate n theis project. :)
The 100 Mile ClubTM students logged their miles from January to June in honor of Ryan Hall, contributing...
307,724.03 miles!!
...to the Move a Million Miles campaign. YAY!!

The "check" the students are holding below is our donation of miles...the banner below the kids is the final mile total, INCLUDING our miles!

The ceremony ended with a heartfelt and inspiring speech by Ryan to the residents of the city who had gathered in support of him. His level of poise and humility were ever-present, yet one could not deny the fact that Ryan was mentally and physically ready to head to Beijing to win.

I hope that Ryan knows that he has inspired thousands of children to give their best, follow their dreams, and never give up...in their eyes he is already a gold medal winner. Good luck, Ryan. We'll be watching.
August 24th, 2008.
Run, Ryan, Run!